A New Journey

We have been blessed. Beyond what I could even imagine.

In December 2014, we welcomed the most beautiful bundle of joy. She was 6lbs10z, and 20.5inches.

We have been incredibly lucky to breastfeed well (even through a cows milk protein intolerance) and just form an amazing bond to this wonderful new person in our life.

When my cycle came back in September, we had no real thought of getting pregnant again quickly, mostly because we figured that I’m not particularly fertile. Still, I could tell when in my cycle was more or less fertile, but wasn’t thinking much of it.

Until about ten days ago, when I realized that after several cycles that had not been longer than 29 days (short for me), I was suddenly on day 32, and feeling…odd. And I kind of knew. We got two pregnancy tests in Seattle, where we were for a wedding of a friend, and got both two pink lines and those magic words, “pregnant.”

Any woman who has dealt with infertility knows that even after the first baby is here, infertility still plays a role in how you think about family, babies, pregnancy. There are two women I know who had babies right after us, and I was really hoping to get pregnant before them, and a couple other friends who I know are trying and I wanted to be before them. Petty? Probably. But it’s the way it is. And now, it’s a little unexpected to be pregnant this quickly. I’m a little still in shock. But it’s good shock. The best.

But I need a place to process some thoughts, and I thought of this blog.

We won’t announce to the world for a while, and even though a few select people know (including immediate family), it’s a lot to keep in my head. So, watch this space for baby talk.

Due date is, funnily enough, the Shabbat of Sukkot. My daughter was born erev Hannukah, so always around a Jewish holiday.

A Pesah Miracle that will turn into a Hanukkah Miracle….


This was not a post I expected to write right now.

Erev Pesah (that’s Monday night for the rest of the world), I decided to take a pregnancy test on the advice of a friend of mine who knows about what we’ve been going through. It was the end of my cycle, lots of PMS symptoms, and there’s a lot of wine to be drunk at seder.

I have never been more surprised to see two lines in my life. I took the remaining digital I had and it came up as “pregnant” almost immediately. This was like, random 4PM pee, and it wasn’t even a squinter.

I walked out of the bathroom to my husband who was drying dishes from our prep for seder. I held out the stick. He about died from shock and happiness.

Of course, my in-laws are here and DH doesn’t want to tell them yet, so it’s been kind of delicate. Still, wonderful.

My due date is around December 20, which is the middle of Hanukkah. I’m just so blindsided by the whole thing. I had a sinus infection this month, DH hurt his finger, we traveled, I was super non-careful about my diet. And apparently, it all worked together.

We’re hoping very, very much for a sticky baby. It’s been 24 months of waiting to see a second line, so it’s hard to think that maybe it wouldn’t work – but nevertheless, this is the farthest we’ve ever gotten.

I’m just…aside from the fact that I have many, many early pregnancy symptoms (sore boobs, nausea, back ache, etc) it doesn’t feel real. And then I find myself wanting to plan everything and then I have to slow myself down.

It’s totally surreal, but wonderful. Twenty four cycles – and we got a BFP. Thanking God every minute for our miracle.